The interlock is the essential system of air lock to prevent the door which controlled open at same time. 门联锁是气闸室的重要机构。其作用是防止受控制的门不会被同时打开。
LOGO makes the control process simple and clear instead of the complicated control of ordinary relay, in which one LOGO can achieve the complicated interlock control composed of inter relays and time relays. 采用LOGO控制过程简单、清晰,只用一个LOGO即可达到多个中间继电器和时间继电器组成的复杂的联锁控制。
The interlock logic has been running steadily for a long time, the safety and stabilization running of the system devices have been ensured. 该方案运行效果良好,保证了系统设备的安全平稳运行。
To discover signaling device failure promptly and ensure correct working of the signaling interlock ( executing) mechanism, it is necessary to monitor the operating states of railway signaling ( system) ( in) ( real) time by supplying additional detection and control equipment. 为及时发现信号设备故障,确保各种信号执行机构联锁动作的正确性,增加额外的监控设施实施对站场信号设备工作状况进行监控。
Microcomputer Interlock System has some functions of reliable and fail-safe characteristics, real time characteristics, structure modularization and standardization, including such as some functions of fault diagnoses and analysis, the repeat showing, remote communication. 计算机联锁系统除了具有可靠性、故障&安全性、实时性、结构模块化与标准化外,还具有故障诊断与分析、重演、远程通信以及其他管理功能。
Utilize remote sensing information can get continuous time oasis, desert in the array and interlock desertification land of area utilize information of changing, develop for desertification, time of array analysis of law offer datum support. 利用遥感信息可以获得连续时间序列内绿洲、荒漠及其交错地区的荒漠化土地利用变化信息,为荒漠化演变规律的分析提供数据支持。
Dead zone circuits are mainly composed by the interlock circuit and effectively control the size of the dead time. 死区电路主要由互锁电路组成,可以有效的控制死区时间的大小。